Saturday, December 31, 2011

On being "dreamy"

I'm an adult and I still draw. Often enough i get called dreamy, unrealistic, and naive. If being strong willed enough to pursue my dreams and write my own story is all those things, i'll take it.

Most of us draw and paint when we're kids. We're told we can be anything we want to. But as we get older we're told to be realistic and aim for something stable. I still believe I can be whatever I want, i believe you can too!

I'd rather live a wild rollercoaster of a life than to wake up when i'm 30 or 40 and wonder what I did with my life/ youth. Wonder if working for a stable paycheck was worth selling my life for. Ditch the mid life crisis and fight for the life i crave.

I won't lie. 2011 was probably the toughest year of my life. But I regret nothing. Sometimes not knowing how I would eat or pay bills. But in the end I pushed my limits and things are looking up. I have faith that i'll be able to support myself fully from my art at sometime next year.

I'd like to thank all my friends, fans, fellow artists (who i love more than you know), and anyone else i'm forgetting that most likely helped me in some way. I'm going to spend this last day drawing and being in the company of good people. Hope you have a good new year.

Work hard, believe in yourself, and stay humble.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oh, babe!

Oh, babe!
Oh, babe! watercolor and graphite, 5x7 inches. 2011.

I've been more motivated than ever this past month, and I hope the work ethic train just keeps getting better! I've been concentrating on art mostly and see big things happening in a not so distant future!

If you didn't already know, these recent drawings are now in my shop. I'll be updating my shop more regularly, so check it often. Never know what might pop up. If you're looking for something in particular, just shoot me a message on etsy or an e-mail ---> wishcandyyy {at} gmail dot com.

Ever imagine what you'd look like as one of my drawings? There are portraits available too. <3

Thanks for reading my blog you guys!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Prankster and the prints

There seems to be an echo around the internet lately. Are people disappearing as the holidays are approaching?

I'm online just as often, and drawing even more!

Prankster, watercolor and graphite. 8x10 inches. 2011

(The third drawing for Giant Robot's Printed matter show next month!)

I promise this won't be the last drawing of 2011. I'm going to keep cranking these out. The best gifts anyone could give me is their attention, support, kind words, showing their friends, and/or ordering a portrait. I do those you know.

Lastly, i'm running low on prints. So please snap them up so I can print some new ones for you guys!

Bitchin' Bird

The future is looking pretty damn exciting! Uncertain, but full of potential! We write our own stories.

Making art super often has had a huge uplift in my general mood. So has the upswing in traffic. It's influenced me to keep up this pace!

Which strangely led me into meeting some pretty awesome artists (and other people). Resulting in some good news: I'll be participating in Printed Matter next month at Giant Robot (in motherfuckin' LA!)

Here's one of the images i'm sending off to be printed:


Bitchin Bird
Bitchin' Bird, watercolor and graphite. 8x10 inches. 2011.

I'll be most likely sending multiples of three different prints, which you'll be able to snag in person. It's a cash and carry show, so once you pay you can take it! They might also have some available online.

So excited! I've also been considering putting up some of my newer originals up for sale next month. For those of you who have been asking.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finger food

Finger food 
Finger food, watercolor and graphite. 8.5x11 inches, 2011.

An illustration for the upcoming issue for Domestic Etch Magazine! The editor, Miss Elizabeth Goodspeed, was nice enough to allow me to post this early.

So go check out the magazine if you haven't yet!

This was so much fun and a big challenge compared to what i've been making lately. I've got a lot planned for the next couple weeks. I'll be participating in Giant Robot's show: Printed Matter.

Which means, there will be some new art and new prints for you to grab next month! It's a cash and carry show (some prints will be reserved for online).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Awwwkward, watercolor and graphite. 5x7 inches. 2011.

I swear I woke up early-ish today just to scan this. Post it. Then eat a slice of banana cake for breakfast (which i baked at like 1 am).

I've been making more art, but this is an adjustment period. Need more. Quicker. Flex those damn art muscles! Focus!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Young Eyes

young eyes (fuck)
young eyes (fuck), watercolor & graphite. 5x7 inches. 2011.

Today has been much better. Rolling like a rebel, already starting my next drawing. My goal is to fill up a wall in my room.

Expect more art, more often.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Flooding from the inside

Welling up
Welling up, watercolor and graphite on paper. 5x7 inches. 2011.

This drawing says more than I ever could. This isn't going to turn into a whining blog. I promise. Which brings me to this question: What has been inspiring you lately?

It could be music, art, books, a river you took a walk by.

Also: Prints are now in stock in my art shop! There are a few left after the pre-orders shipped, so snap them up! Every print sold means I'll be able to make more prints, and keep making art.

There are also a couple new 5x7 prints i told nobody about. So go get em'!

I appreciate you all!