Friday, March 23, 2012

Lighten your load

Lighten your load
Lighten your load, watercolor and graphite. 5x7 inches, 2012.

This piece is going in Bear and Bird's Starter Art Show on May 5th! Glad to have it done early so I can concentrate on my move out west!

If you live in Florida, i highly recommend the show! Danny Brito is also participating. So put it on your calendar.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby, you don't have to settle

Baby, you don't have to settle
"Baby, you don't have to settle," watercolor and graphite. 5x7 inches, 2012.

I'm looking forward to hanging out with my surrealist painter buddy tomorrow. One that needs a website of her own, hint hint! Hoping some of our weirdness inspires each other.

Feels surreal making my rounds and visiting friends, knowing I won't see them for a really long time. If i haven't mentioned before, it's kind of official now. I'm moving to California. (I currently live near Baltimore).

The west has been calling me for years, so it really doesn't feel like I'm really going. I'll know I've arrived when it's winter and i don't have to shovel snow.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Get them while they're hot or you're in for a wait!

All prints are now finally in stock! Now is the best time to snag them because the shop will be closing in two weeks! I'm going on a very long trip and the store will be closed for a month or two!

So, if you've been meaning to get something, now is the time.

My two latest drawings are also now in my shop, as well as two graphite drawings not previously available!

Thanks for your support! Spread the word! xoxo

Domestic Magazine

My guest post just went up over at Domestic Etch Magazine's blog! I'll be posting every now and then bringing you some delightfully strange art.

Go check it out to support me and the Magazine! I've also got an illustration in the latest issue! ♥ Cover art drawn by the talented Danny Brito.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pony Anarchy Magazine

I was extremely smitten the moment my eyes had laid on Pony Anarchy. It conjures the image of a fierce feminine rebellion.

Luckily Kristie Webster, the editor, felt the same way about my work as I do about the magazine. Which has led to an interview with me!

We talk about what my work means, the message I want to send, what i'm working on, and my dreams.

There is a lot of cool people in this issue: photographers, artists, fashion designers, and overall rad ladies.

Check it out!

Sadness is a blessing

Sadness is a blessing
Sadness is a blessing, watercolor and graphite. 5x7 inches, 2012.

Been a rough few weeks. Slowed down to a halt, bashing my head into an art block. Feel like i'm coming back. Hello!

Yes, if you know where the title is taken from i'll slow clap for you. It couldn't have been more perfect.