Monday, February 20, 2012

Pizza Whipped

pizza whipped
"Pizza Whipped", watercolor and graphite. 8x10 inches, 2012.

I'm super pleased with my pizza girl. She almost makes up for my huge art block last week!

She was created for Pony Club Gallery's, "Pizza Show" on March 6th! I'm extremely thankful to be invited to such a rad show. Definitely not one to miss if you live near Portland.

She'll be included during my print pre-orders this week, so keep an eye out or snag the original during the show!


Monday, February 13, 2012

She won't follow you

She won't follow you
"She won't follow you", watercolor and graphite. 8x10 inches, 2012.

She was created for Vessel Collective's Say Anything [Interview + Illustration] Project Exhibition. Inspired by Say Anything's song "She won't follow you"

I was very excited and honored to be contacted by Gina Moccio for this project, since it's right up my alley. Thank you!

If you live in Florida, check out the opening! It's on March 12th, and you can get details on how to get an invite here. There will be food and drinks!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Copper, my good friend

Copper, my good friend
"Copper, my good friend" watercolor and graphite. 5x7 inches, 2012.

Couldn't help but think of Blood Milk the whole time I was painting her.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Everything will be alright

everything will be alright
"Everything will be alright," watercolor and graphite. 8x10 inches, 2012.

Clearly I have a stripe addiction, but i'm not alone in this.